The aim of the WP1 led by Enspire Science Ltd. (project coordinator) is to manage the Bio4HUMAN
project and ensure its smooth operation. This includes the establishment of effective project
management procedures, identification, and recovery from any possible risks that could affect the
project (in terms of results achievement, schedule, effort, etc.). The work done under WP1 includes
also IP and data management of the project.
D1.1: Project management guide
D1.2: Data management plan
Leading Partner

The main objective of this work package is to secure the coordination and management of the
project during its second reporting period.
D2.1: Final data management plan
Lead beneficiary
Enspire Science

The objective of this WP is to map the key stakeholders (in DRC, South Sudan and in Europe) in
target areas, develop a detailed scoping plan, and conduct the first phase of the scoping exercise
which involves the needs assessment of the humanitarian sector in solid waste management and the
review of the current status of how these needs are being addressed.
D3.1: Stakeholder analysis
D3.2: Scoping plan
D3.3: Humanitarian sector needs assessment
Lead beneficiary

This work package’s aim is to conduct Phase 2-4 of the scoping exercise to better understand which
bio-based innovative technological solutions and bio-based systems are environmentally friendly
and may be applicable under different humanitarian contexts. Conducting deepened scoping
exercises will provide significant advancement and advantages over the traditional methods
currently used by the humanitarian sector and be the first kind of such market research. The
exercise will also provide insights on resource allocation, assess the cost impact of the bio-based
solutions, and eventually allow better understanding of the accurate costs for the solution
implementation within the humanitarian sector.
D4.1: List of bio-based solutions
D4.2: Gap analysis report
D4.3: Mid-term policy brief
Lead beneficiary
Pro Civis

The main aim of WP5 is to realise the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of the innovative
bio-based solutions for SWM identified in WP4. Environmental LCA quantifies the environmental
impacts of the bio-based products implementation in humanitarian aid. It will allow identifying the
environmental hotspots and methodological or data gaps linked to the bio-based solutions for
humanitarian aid. Thus, LCA results combined with social, economic, and governance assessments
(developed in WP6) will allow identifying and promoting the best innovative solutions to reduce
environmental impacts under humanitarian aid conditions and promote bioeconomy.
D5.1: Data collection from partners: state-of-the-art and innovative solutions
D5.2: Hotspot analysis of the current and innovative solutions
D5.3: Identification of the best innovative solutions based on LCA
Lead beneficiary

The aim of work done under this WP is to define which socio-economic and governance aspects are
important to be analysed. In the second part of the work, we will aim to combine a feasibility study
and an innovation test bed to evaluate the both feasibility and replication potential of a proposed
bio-based innovative solution in solid waste management. The feasibility study is foreseen to

provide information on the technical, economic, and operational aspects of the solution, while the
innovation test bed aims to provide a controlled environment to test the solution in a real-world
D6.1: Socio-economic and governance aspects analysis report
D6.2: Community engagement summary report
D6.3: SWOT analysis report
D6.4: Final policy brief
Lead beneficiary

The main objective of WP7 led by Enspire Science is to develop, manage, and execute the
dissemination, communication, and exploitation activities of Bio4HUMAN in order to inform and
engage all relevant stakeholders and the European public. A specific effort is placed on collaboration
with relevant projects and initiatives to bundle activities and increase overall efficiency.
D7.1: Project website
D7.2: Dissemination, communication, and exploitation plan
D7.3: Practice abstracts – batch 1
Leading partner:

The main objective of this work package is to continue with the execution of the dissemination,
communication, and exploitation activities of the project. A specific effort is placed on the

development of guidelines and recommendations for 3 stakeholder groups and pushing on the front
of collaborations with relevant projects and initiatives established during WP7 and initiation of
D8.1: Replication roadmap
D8.2: Guidelines and recommendations for key groups of stakeholders
D8.3: Dissemination and communication impact report
D8.4: Updated plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities
Leading partner:

The objective of this WP is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ of the project.
Lead beneficiary